Welcome to Global Missions Institute


We thank God for you and your interest in increasing your spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge is divine power, for the “Word of God is alive and powerful” (Heb. 4:12). To know God is to know what He says in the Holy Bible. Let us help you choose the right course for you. This program is divided into two groups, NON-CERTIFICATE and CERTIFICATE/DIPLOMA.


In a non-certificate program, the courses are the same as in a certificate courses, except that you will not be graded and will not earn any credits. You will simply increase your knowledge of God through His Word, so that you can have a closer relationship with Him and serve Him with knowledge. You will learn at your own pace and choose any course that you have interest in, for instance a course in Bible Study Methods, an Introduction of how to study the Bible.


a. CERTIFICATE: A 20-course certificate program which will prepare one for a successful ministry. A student’s course work is supervised, and he earns credit toward receiving a certificate of completion at the end of his course work (usually 2 years or less depending on one’s effort and time).

b. DIPLOMA: A student who receives a certificate of completion with a B average or above will be eligible to apply for a scholarship to our affiliate Colorado Bible University (CBU) an accredited institution. Upon acceptance, a portion of your GMI coursework will transfer as credit to CBU toward a diploma.

Because of the costs associated with your learning, GMI has a limited cost-based enrollment for those seeking a certificate or a diploma. Although students are not charged for their education, GMI covers the cost for each student. To be better stewards of God’s money, we recommend those not seeking a certificate or diploma enroll in a non-certificate program making funds available to cover costs for certificate seeking students.

Choose A Program

GMI Certificate Program

GMI Open Campus